Case Study: Salty Lemon Start

Salty Lemon: Building a Startup Brand with Impactful Digital Strategy

“We chose Digitlab as a marketing partner end of 2020. I can only recommend working with them, especially with companies and startups within Europe. Compared to marketing agents within Europe, Digitlab offers an excellent price-performance ratio. We have found in Digitlab a trustworthy, loyal partner who thinks out of the box, which is really refreshing.”

Stefan Hain – Co-Founder & CEO 


To launch a dynamic new business idea into a global market quickly to capitalise on the value of being the first entrant into the market.

We needed to build the idea from concept into a sellable product that could sell over online channels.

Our Role

Digitlab was bought in as a partner to work alongside the Salty Lemon team. Our role meant that we were business consultants, digital marketing experts, designers and developers.


Strategic Planning​

We started the process by spending two days together in Cape Town at the home of one of the Co-Founders. The team from Germany flew in to make the most of the time together, and we spent time together focused on understanding and building the business model. 

Our digital creative team were task with creating a digital marketing campaign that educated how the business works and sold the dream of living the ‘Salty Lemon Lifestyle. Then these videos and social content were released into the market with a set of well thought out calls to action.

We created the marketing plan specifically for the kite surfing consumer and leveraged the digital channels they enjoy consuming – driving video content, search marketing and social media to build awareness and understanding in the market.

Website Design

Creating a beautiful website quickly was the job at hand. Through the MVP development process, we stripped out much of the unnecessary technology and focused on building a simple lead-generating WordPress website. Our streamlined development process meant that we could complete the site in record time to launch this business quickly. 

The Result

We managed to launch a carefully planned out market entry for Salty Lemon. From the first workshop day in Cape Town to the launch of the website took a total of 12 weeks and the team was able to shift their gears from concept to sales.

About Salty Lemon

Times have changed. You don’t want to own things; you want to use and enjoy them. Owning means maintaining substantial upfront investments and long-term commitments.

Salty Lemon cuts that out completely – we give you the chance to rent with no upfront investment, no hassle of finding buyers when you want to upgrade, and the flexibility always to have the latest gear. Enjoying life means spending more time on the water than worrying about admin, after all.

Because of our deep love for the ocean, we’ve integrated environmentally friendly and sustainable business practices into who Salty Lemon is to help keep the world’s beaches clean, our oceans plastic-free, and the marine life protected.

Salty Lemon’s story is just beginning, be sure to follow the exciting things to come!