WordPress Website Hosting & Security

Specialised hosting for WordPress websites or businesses who want hassle-free security.

Specialised Hosting for WordPress Websites

Digitlab Hosting is the ultimate solution for reliable and secure WordPress hosting. Digitlab Hosting is built on the back of our AWS Consulting Partnership and allows you to launch and host WordPress websites securely and quickly.

Launch a Scalable WordPress Website

Our service includes a customised WordPress stack, so you don’t have to worry about setting up the underlying infrastructure or managing software updates. You can choose from various storage and performance options to meet the needs of your website, and our security maintenance service helps keep your site safe and secure.

Digitlab Hosting lets you quickly and easily launch a fully managed, highly available, and scalable WordPress website.

Scalably Secure

Vulnerabilities in the WordPress software

Weak or easily guessable login credentials

SQL injection attacks

File upload vulnerabilities

Unauthorised access

DDoS attacks

Our first steps in a WordPress security upgrade

  • Reducing the number of plugins
  • The Digitlab Hardening File
  • Removing the /wp-admin login page
  • Installing Google ReCaptcha
  • Monthly security updates and maintenance
  • Penetration testing

Build a Brighter Business with Digitlab today

We understand that every business is unique. That’s why we tailor our solutions to align with your specific goals, challenges and vision. By leveraging data-driven insights and industry expertise, we help you navigate the evolving digital landscape with confidence.

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