Snapchat Disrupts Online Retail With Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) has become a powerful tool that has disrupted many industries, leading to innovative and exciting new consumer experiences. 

Online retailers have recently embraced this technology as a new way to engage customers and provide them with more immersive shopping experiences.  

Snapchat, the popular social media platform, has taken things to the next level by introducing new AR features that have revolutionized online retail. 

Let’s look at how Snapchat disrupts online retail with augmented reality. 

Snapchat & AR: A Look Into The Future Of Shopping 

Snapchat’s AR capabilities have provided a unique twist to the world of e-commerce, allowing users to shop for items in an entirely new way.  

By leveraging advanced technology such as facial recognition and object tracking, Snapchat has enabled customers to take a virtual tour of a store, try on clothing items in real time, view detailed product information, and even purchase items directly from the platform. 

Recent updates to its social app and Shopping Lenses have been instrumental in the platform’s transformation into an e-commerce powerhouse. Key product features, such as the ability to create and share virtual try-on experiences, have created an entirely new level of engagement between brands and customers. 

For customers, the experience of shopping through Snapchat is much more immersive than traditional online retail. Instead of simply browsing product images and descriptions, shoppers can interact with items in a 3D space, visualizing how they look on them before committing to a purchase. 

For brands, Snapchat advertising provides powerful analytics to track customer behaviour, allowing them to tailor their product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly. These analytics are delivered in real time, allowing brands to adjust their strategies in response to customer feedback. 

Additionally, brands get insights to help them with their R&D (Research & Development) processes. They can create new products tailored to their target audience’s preferences. This includes the types of products that resonate with the younger generation Z and millennial audience. 

Brands can incorporate the data gathered from Snapchat’s AR shopping experiences into their marketing campaigns, ad retargeting, and product personalization. This will help with future product development and enhance customer loyalty. 

An eCommerce Disruption Backed By Data 

Let us look at some stats that show how AR and eCommerce work together. 

MAGNA Media Trials researched five markets: the US, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and France. They obtained data from multiple brands, including Levi’s and The LEGO Group. 

To test the potential of AR, different AR Lenses were tested. This includes Shoppable AR Lenses, Gamified Entertainment Lenses, Interactive Entertainment Lenses, and strategies like World Facing Lenses and Front Facing Lenses. 

AR offers an immersive experience for advertisers on Snapchat, and the findings of this research show that AR has a substantial impact. They show that AR represents a differentiated opportunity for brands to reach and engage their audiences while driving significant ROI outcomes. 

Here are some key takeaways from the MAGNA Media Trials study. 

AR Helps Provide Utility And Build Brand Connections 

Ads with an AR component provided more utility than others, as they helped consumers better understand the product offering. Furthermore, these ads improved consumer sentiment and brand connection by providing new ways to interact with the products. 

This research drew two exciting findings: 

  • Consumers found AR ads 5% more informative than pre-roll ads and 6% more valuable than traditional ads. This shows us that AR ads can provide shoppers with more information than static images and videos. 
  • Several tested AR ads helped consumers feel closer to the brand (1.3x more than pre-roll) and excited them about the brand (1.15x more than pre-roll). AR makes developing a strong connection between the consumer and the brand easier and provides more utility than other digital ads. 

AR Amplifies Brand Messaging Across All The Purchase Journey 

AR ads play an integral role in the purchase journey, from initial discovery to post-purchase satisfaction. This is a critical area that brands can leverage to build connections and increase consumer engagement. 

The research showed that: 

  • AR helps capture attention during the early stages of the purchase journey. This is particularly important given that today’s consumers are often bombarded with ads from multiple brands. 
  • During the consideration stage, AR ads shape opinion. They do this by providing the consumer with more information about the product, making it easier for them to make an informed decision. 
  • During the purchase stage, AR brings the brand top-of-mind. It increases the chances of the consumer making a purchase and strengthens brand favorability. Ultimately, this helps create a better overall customer experience, which can lead to more sales and repeat customers. 

AR Shapes How Consumers Feel 

Marketers can develop creative campaigns to increase engagement and sales when they consider how people feel about their products. The research uncovered the following: 

  • Shoppable AR Lenses drive search intent by 8%. It triggers consumers to explore more about the product, ultimately leading to more conversions. 
  • Gamified Entertainment Lenses were successful in driving consumer action by 12%. They bring in a broader audience and differentiate consumers at the beginning of the purchase journey. 
  • Interactive Entertainment AR Lenses boost brand perception and memorability (+9%). Those in the middle see the brand as innovative (+9%), while those at the end of the purchase journey see it as unique (+8%). 

How Does Snapchat’s AR Work? 

There is a new in-app destination within Snapchat known as “Dress Up.” This feature allows users to try on virtual items from various brands using the camera and augmented reality. Users can also purchase certain items directly from within the app. 

The company is developing tools that will allow retailers to integrate Snapchat’s AR shopping technology with their apps and websites. These tools will work seamlessly with existing product catalogues, enabling retailers to quickly and easily add virtual try-on experiences into their offerings. 

Through this integration, brands using Snapchat advertising can offer personalized product recommendations, visualize products in 3D, and allow customers to virtually try on products from their catalogue. 

At launch, this feature will work on Android and iOS, but Snapchat says it will soon expand to other platforms, including websites. 

Puma will be the first global partner to use Snapchat’s AR SDK. The company will use camera kit integration to allow customers to virtually try on their shoes in real-time.  

They will place their phones on their feet, and the camera will scan their feet to generate a 3D model. Customers can then try on different shoes, customize them with filters, and interact with them in augmented reality. 

Snapchat’s AR Will Give It The Edge Over Social Media Competitors 

There’s no doubt that augmented reality is the future of marketing. Snapchat’s new AR tools have given it a considerable advantage over other social media platforms. Not only will users be able to see how products work in real life, but they’ll also have unprecedented access to exciting product features. 

Snapchat’s AR will allow users to explore items in a virtual space and experience them as if they were there in the physical world. Furthermore, shoppers can interact with products and brands directly through AR, creating a more immersive shopping experience. New experiences like live video shopping, influencer marketing, and in-app shopping will give Snapchat users a unique shopping experience they won’t find elsewhere. 

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