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Developing Social Media Content for the Different Buying Stages

Developing Social Media Content for Different Buying Stages

Today we explore how to develop social content that aligns with the buyer's journey's awareness, consideration, and decision stages, creating a cohesive and impactful marketing strategy.

In the age of digital marketing, understanding the buyer’s journey and tailoring content to each stage is pivotal. Today we explore how to develop social media content that aligns with the buyer’s journey’s awareness, consideration, and decision stages, creating a cohesive and impactful marketing strategy.

The Three Stages of the Buyer’s Journey

Here is a quick recap of the three stages, these are clearly mapped out in our CRM Consulting when we work with clients :

Awareness Stage: Recognising a Problem or Need

In the awareness stage, the prospective customer identifies a problem or need but might not fully understand it. They are beginning to recognise something is amiss and are eager to identify and learn more about this issue.

Consideration Stage: Exploring Solutions and Alternatives

During the consideration stage, the buyer clearly understands their problem or need and is actively researching different solutions, products, or methods to address it. They’re looking at various options and trying to understand the pros and cons of each. This is a crucial stage for building trust and providing value.

Decision Stage: Choosing a Provider or Product

In the decision stage, the buyer is ready to make a purchase. They have narrowed their options and are looking for final details to make an informed choice. They might be comparing pricing, reading reviews, or looking for a special offer. Content and strategies in this stage should help them take that final step.

Together, these stages represent a buyer’s complete journey, from recognising a problem to purchasing.

Creating Content for the Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is about capturing attention. Here’s how social media content can cater to this phase:

Educational Content:

This strategy involves creating educational materials like blog posts, short videos, and infographics. They aim to assist buyers in understanding and defining their specific problems. The audience can better understand their issues and potential solutions by presenting clear and insightful information.

Social Engagement:

Social engagement is about interacting with your audience on social media platforms through means like polls or questions. It can effectively raise awareness about common problems, stimulate discussions, and foster a community around a particular subject or brand.

Influencer Collaboration:

Collaborating with influencers leverages their following and personal experiences to share insights or introduce topics related to a specific problem. By aligning with personalities who resonate with your target audience, you can enhance credibility, reach, and impact, building a connection between your product or service and potential customers.

Use of Short-Form Content:

Platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have popularised short-form content, providing quick, engaging glimpses into a problem or product. These concise yet impactful videos capture attention and convey important messages within a few seconds. Whether highlighting a unique feature, illustrating a solution, or sharing a captivating visual, short-form content can be a powerful tool to intrigue and engage potential buyers at the decision stage.

Visuals and Teasers:

Eye-catching visuals or product teasers are designed to spark curiosity and interest in the audience. These can include stunning images, innovative animations, or short video snippets that tease the product’s attributes or aesthetic appeal. The allure of these visual elements can enhance the intrigue around a product or offering, prompting viewers to explore further and potentially leading them to make a purchase. By integrating compelling visuals and teasers into marketing strategies, businesses can create memorable impressions that resonate with potential customers at this critical stage. Visual platforms like Instagram, TikTok and YouTube are great tools to access audiences here.

Developing Content for the Consideration Stage

In this stage, buyers seek detailed information. Social media content strategies here might include:

Long-Form Videos:

Platforms like YouTube support long-form videos that provide an in-depth look at solutions and products. These videos allow for detailed explanations and visual demonstrations, helping potential customers understand complex topics. They can enhance trust and engagement by offering comprehensive insights.

Blogs and Articles:

Sharing well-researched and thoughtfully written blogs and articles on social media channels provides detailed insights into specific subjects or products. These writings can educate the audience, establish authority in the field, and guide potential customers through decision-making.

Webinars and Live Sessions:

Webinars and live sessions offer a more interactive experience, engaging directly with the audience to answer questions and explain offerings in real time. This direct interaction can build rapport, foster community, and provide personalised insights that significantly influence purchasing decisions. These sessions often allow for deeper connections and tailored responses, enhancing the customer’s understanding of the products or solutions.

Comparison Content:

Comparison content includes videos or articles that evaluate different solutions, products, or methods side by side. This type of content helps potential buyers understand the distinctions and advantages of various offerings, empowering them to make more informed decisions.

Webinars and Tutorials:

Webinars and tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how specific solutions or products work. These detailed guides can educate buyers, demystify complex topics, and build trust by showcasing the answers to customer questions.

Community Engagement:

Community engagement involves creating or participating in social media communities centred around particular topics or solutions. Engaging with community members allows for open discussion, knowledge sharing, and personal recommendations, thus fostering a supportive environment that can guide potential buyers in their decision-making process. Networks like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook have all proven themselves in the past as decent platforms to drive community engagement – who knows’ Threads may even help here in the future

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Crafting Content for the Decision Stage

At the decision stage, the buyer has identified their problem, explored various solutions, and is now ready to purchase. At this crucial juncture, the content must be persuasive, clear, and aligned with the buyer’s specific needs. Strategies to effectively engage the buyer at this stage can include providing detailed product demos to showcase functionalities, offering exclusive incentives to entice a purchase, and emphasising customer testimonials to build trust. Furthermore, maintaining consistent messaging across platforms, employing cross-platform strategies to create a seamless buyer experience, and personalising the content to resonate with individual preferences are vital tactics. These combined efforts give the buyer the assurance, motivation, and understanding needed to finalise their purchase decision.

Customer Testimonials:

Sharing success stories or positive customer feedback on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn helps build credibility. These authentic endorsements can resonate with potential customers, showcasing a product’s or service’s real-world value and instilling confidence in the brand.

Product Demos:

Detailed product demonstrations, whether pre-recorded on YouTube or conducted live on platforms like Instagram, offer a hands-on view of a product’s functionalities. They help potential buyers understand the product’s features and how it may fit their needs. This visual insight can often be the tipping point in a buyer’s decision-making process.

Exclusive Offers:

Providing social media-exclusive discounts or special offers creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity. These promotions can be a decisive factor in purchasing, attracting new customers, or incentivising existing ones to purchase. They also foster a sense of community, as followers on a specific platform are rewarded with special deals.

Developing Social Media Content for the Different Buying Stages

Integrating Content Across Stages

A seamless transition between stages is essential. Strategies might include:

Consistent Messaging:

Maintaining a coherent brand message across various platforms and customer journey stages ensures a unified brand experience. Consistency in tone, visuals, and values helps build trust and recognition, reinforce the brand’s identity, and make marketing efforts more effective.

Cross-Platform Strategies:

Utilising various platforms to guide the buyer through the journey capitalises on the strengths of different channels. By orchestrating the buyer’s journey across social media, email, web, and more, you can create a seamless experience that meets the buyer where they are, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.


Tailoring content to individual preferences using data insights makes marketing more relevant and engaging. By analysing user behaviour and preferences, you can deliver content, offers, and interactions that resonate with each individual. This customised approach increases relevance, fosters deeper connections, and often leads to higher conversion rates.

Buyer – Stage Focused Content:

Developing social media content for different buying stages is a nuanced and strategic process, demanding a deep understanding of the buyer’s journey and precise alignment with their needs and interests at each stage. From the awareness phase, where educational and engaging content introduces the problem, to the consideration phase, with comparisons, webinars, and community interactions, to the final decision stage, where short-form content, visuals, and tailored incentives come into play, the content must resonate and guide the buyer.

The digital landscape offers myriad tools and platforms; the challenge lies in wielding them innovatively to show the buyer seamlessly from awareness to decision.

Crafting content that aligns with these buying stages enhances marketing campaigns’ relevance, engagement, and effectiveness. It ensures that the messaging is consistent and targeted to influence the buyer at the exact point where they are in their purchasing journey.

Marketers can build more engaging and efficient campaigns by segmenting the content strategy according to these stages, fostering trust, stimulating interest, and ultimately driving conversions. This stage-focused approach is central to modern marketing and reflects a customer-centric mindset that prioritises the buyer’s needs, preferences, and experiences, solidifying the connection between brand and customer.


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